Endorsees 專業用家

June 2015

CSGK 第一次正式出售兩款龍門手套,為英國品牌DH-One 的Retro Hybid (左圖) 及 Defiance NC。

CSGK introduced its first two goalkeeper glove models supplied by DH-One from the UK - Retro Hybrid (left) and Defiance NC.

September 2015

CSGK 贊助第一位守門員 - 當時效力東區體育會的張暐昌先生。張暐昌現時效力龍門足球隊,仍然是支持我們多年的代言人之一。

CSGK proudly announced our first endorsee - Mr. Cheung, Wai Cheong , then goalkeeper for Eastern District Sports Association and has been our endorsee ever since. Mr. Cheung currently plays for Lung Moon FC.

February 2016

CSGK首次提供專屬手套款式,聯乘西班牙品牌N1及邀請M.R.D. 守門員學校主教練唐咖名先生設計,並提供專門屬於該校的守門員手套。

CSGK's first attempt on special make-up (SMU) gloves in collaboration with Mr. Tong Ka-ming, head coach of M.R.D Goalkeeper Academy as chief designer and Spanish brand N1, supplying gloves for the Academy.

December 2016

CSGK 贊助第一名香港超級聯賽球員 - 當時效力香港足球會的岑賓華先生。岑賓華現時效力永高足球會。

CSGK sponsors its first goalkeeper in the top-flight Hong Kong Premier League - Mr. Shum, Kenrick M., then Hong Kong Football Club goalkeeper. Mr. Shum currently plays for Wing Go Football Club.

November 2021


In 2021, CSGK has 5 homemade SMUs working with other brands, and a total of nearly 20 non-mainstream goalkeeper glove products.

April 2022

CSGK 成功設計及推出第一款自家品牌的龍門手套 - Erstein 1er. 此款手套亦是CSGK首次為非本地球會 - 位於法國東部的埃爾斯坦(AS Erstein)設計專屬龍門手套。(右:永義地產門將 Gilles Meyer)

CSGK has its first fully home-designed and branded goalkeeper gloves, and the first for an overseas football club - AS Erstein of France. (Right: Gilles Meyer, goalkeeper for Wing Yee Football Team)

2022 - ?


CSGK relies on your support to restlessly offer the best goalkeeping gears at the best prices. Let's build together a bright future for the goalkeepers' community!